Wednesday, January 14, 2015

match, rc3

and that was that, last commit/release for the night, needs more testing and loving. But then again, who doesn't. The match in the name stands for a fairly sweet new dsl I put together, the idea being having a sample extending code.

The match construct works as an extended switch the very basic usage so far implemented looks like this:

As you can see, expressions are permitted in the case statement. Including, the > 10 in line 11. Which is pretty sweet, one must admit. In its final form, this dsl will be so much cooler. For instance, match could return a dynamic value. Or use continue and break creatively.

Fun times.

As for the rc3, it means there is a semi-usable version somewhere in the cloud. All samples running and its behaving decently. All in all not a bad day for the unemployed.

So goodnight.


  1. Is it possible to re-create the match pattern from F#?

  2. I do not see why not, it is a matter of writing the right parser for it and then the equivalent c# code.
